Heute hat Microsoft bekannt gegeben, dass der nächste Milestone der Entwicklung von Office 15 (Microsoft Office 2012) erreicht ist.
Die neue Office-Version soll die Office Cloud-Anwendungen (Office 365, Skydrive, Exchange, Sharpoint und Office Webapps) mit der Offline-Version weiter verbinden.
Microsoft hat in der Veröffentlichung auch allen Testern für gedankt, die Feedback über die früheren Versionen eingereicht haben.
Leider findet sich in der Veröffentlichung kein weiterer Hinweis über den Zeitpunkt der ersten Beta-Version.
“Office 15” Begins Technical Preview
by PJ Houghon January 30This morning, we reached an important development milestone: the beginning of the “Office 15” Technical Preview Program. Office 15 is the codename for the next generation of the Microsoft Office products and services, and the Technical Preview is the first time we share our work with a select group of customers under non-disclosure agreements. These customers play a key role in our development process by testing early builds and providing feedback, which we incorporate into the final release.
At this early point in our development cycle, I’m not able to share too much about Office 15, but I can tell you Office 15 is the most ambitious undertaking yet for the Office Division. With Office 15, for the first time ever, we will simultaneously update our cloud services, servers, and mobile and PC clients for Office, Office 365, Exchange, SharePoint, Lync, Project, and Visio. Quite simply, Office 15 will help people work, collaborate, and communicate smarter and faster than ever before.
While the Technical Preview program is already full, everyone will have the opportunity to try the Office 15 public beta later this summer, and we’ll have more to share about the release then. In the meantime, I do want to thank everyone who is participating in the Technical Preview for their contributions and all our customers for their continued support.
PJ Hough
CVP of Development, Microsoft Office Division
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